I’m sure you’ve heard the latest report on the state of our Southern Baptist Convention. While statistics aren’t everything, they are something. And these are not good. If the SBC were a ship, it would be sinking. First, the number of Southern Baptist churches actually grew by almost 500 to 47,272. I am sure this is due to the increased focus on church planting by NAMB. We can celebrate this reality. The total number of baptisms, however, dropped by almost 15,000 to 280,773 nationwide. That’s the lowest number of baptisms reported by the SBC in over 70 years. That means that the average church baptized just under 6 converts. The problem with that statistic is that a large number of churches baptized none, and even more baptized just 1 or 2 new believers. Allow me to use the 2015 numbers from my state convention of South Carolina as a sample for this discussion. Of our 2,130 churches, 375 reported no baptisms, while another 158 churches reported only 1 baptism. So 533 c...
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